The Answer

Greetings Community!

It’s been two weeks since we decided to restore a commercial space within the Westview community for our new Yoga Studio, and we have been VERY busy. It has been a lot of paperwork, planning, and visioning to bring our dream to fruition, but we know it’s worth it.

Thus far, we have developed a business plan, applied for a business license and permit (confirmed with zoning regarding our use), contracted a business consultant, established a relationship with a lender, and “Invest Atlanta.” We also have established a GoFundMe page because we NEED all the financial support we can get to make this happen promptly.

This week, we will have a little fun and begin working with architects to obtain renderings and begin taking bids from restoration companies. We are excited to make this a beautiful and welcoming space for all. We aim to attract and host many dynamic wellness professionals worldwide so our community can regularly experience something special and amazing.

We deserve this.

If you are unaware of the history of the West End, then you do not know of the blight, mortgage fraud, and trauma the community has endured. We have lived through many painful moments in Atlanta, and although driving through the community now, you see the revitalization process. However, this process has come with a great loss to many. Our real estate brokerage and agents at Area West Realty can testify to this. But all is not lost- our purpose is still to serve the community, and as long as we reside here, we will.

If you have yet to contribute to our GoFundMe HERE, please do so- no amount is too small. Please help us continue to create a community that will see to our mind, body, and soul.

Sawubona = I see you!

See you on the mat,

Nia & Frank George

A New Community Space...


Due to an event, we will NOT have Yoga on Monday evenings at Wild Heaven Brewery in the West End. We have been offered another day to consider (Tuesday); however, at this time, it is not something that I can entertain. I have changed schedules at various times and days (4), and while I greatly appreciate Wild Heaven for their willingness to serve the community in this way, the practice of Yoga requires consistency. Relationships are built through consistency.

And so many of you may be aware by now that we are working on creating a permanent space to host our FREE community Yoga classes. This space will not only host our class but will allow us an opportunity to create additional offerings for you. We intend to have classes ranging from Yoga, Meditation, Sound Baths, Line Dancing, and much more to meet the needs of our unique Southwest Atlanta community. We will partner with other talented local teachers and resources to expand and build on our services.

One might ask- “Why? There are MANY Yoga studios in Atlanta.”

To this person, I say, “ Yes. There are. There are MANY Planet Fitness gyms. There are MANY gas stations. There are MANY banks. There are MANY fast food restaurants. And there are also MANY people with unique needs and wants. It is not uncommon to find community amongst the MANY, and when you do- you work to preserve and cultivate it.”

This past Kwanzaa season, the second principle, “Kujichagulia” Self-Determination, really resonated with me. It has been a principle I live by, “To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.” In building our space, we are living this principle.

Please consider partnering with us as we work to create this space expeditiously. I have created a “GoFundMe” page HERE for full transparency of the funds required and to see how they will be used. Donating people will receive access to business plans, progress, and timely updates.

While working through this process, we will continue offering Private sessions, Zoom Stretch (schedule coming up), Online Live Classes

I encourage you to check out some of the Studios I plan to flow in below, and I will continue to share events, classes, and offerings on IG:

1) Southwest Atlanta Yoga

2) Overlook Climbing Yoga

3) The Yoga Studio

4) Peloton app: Yoga with Dr. Chelsea Jackson-Roberts, Denis Morton

5) My teacher, mentor, and friend Octavia Raheem Yoga

See you on the mat,


Have You Stretched Lately?

Hey there, fellow stretch enthusiasts! Today, let's dive into the wonderful world of stretching and why it's such an important practice for our overall well-being. Whether you're a fitness junkie or a couch potato, incorporating a stretch routine into your daily life can do wonders for your body and mind. So, let's limber up and explore the many benefits of stretching!

First things first - why should we bother stretching in the first place? Well, stretching is not just about touching your toes or doing fancy yoga poses (although that's definitely a plus!). It's about giving your body the TLC it deserves. Think of stretching as a way to show gratitude to your muscles, tendons, and joints for all the hard work they do for you daily.

One of the most obvious benefits of stretching is the improvement in flexibility. Regularly stretching increases your range of motion, making everyday activities like reaching for that jar on the top shelf or tying your shoelaces a breeze. Plus, improved flexibility can help prevent injuries as your muscles and joints become more resilient and less prone to strain.

But wait, there's more! Stretching also promotes better blood circulation. As you stretch, you increase blood flow to your muscles, providing them with the oxygen and nutrients they need to function optimally. This can lead to reduced muscle soreness after workouts and expedited recovery time. Say goodbye to those achy post-exercise days!

Speaking of workouts, stretching before and after physical activity is crucial. Pre-workout stretching helps warm up your muscles, preparing them for the upcoming exercise and decreasing the risk of injury. On the flip side, post-workout stretching allows your muscles to cool down and relax, preventing stiffness and aiding in the recovery process. It's like a little treat for your hardworking muscles - a well-deserved break!

Let's not forget the mental benefits of stretching. Engaging in a stretch routine can be a moment of tranquility in an otherwise hectic day. It allows you to focus on your body, release tension, and clear your mind. In a world that often demands our full attention, taking a few minutes to stretch can be a mini escape that rejuvenates both your body and soul.

Now that we understand the importance of stretching, how can we incorporate it into our daily lives? Well, the beauty of stretching lies in its simplicity. You don't need fancy equipment or a lot of space. Find a quiet corner in your home, a park, or even your office and get started. There are countless online resources and apps that offer guided stretching routines for all levels of flexibility. Experiment, find what works for you, and make it a habit.

Remember, consistency is key. Just like any other healthy practice, stretching requires dedication and commitment. Start small and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your stretches. Listen to your body, and don't push yourself beyond your limits. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your flexibility!

So, my friends, let's make stretching a regular part of our lives. Embrace the amazing benefits it offers and enjoy the journey towards a more flexible, healthier, and happier you.

See you on the mat.

Nia George

New Candles!

Check out our products page for the new YoSoy Candles. These soy, clean burning candles will be the ultimate gift to yourself or anyone with their lasting fragrance and nourishing message.

Saturday's on the Mat!

We’re still thriving and resting on our mats Saturday’s 11-NOON at Wild Heaven West End Brewery.

This Saturday, we will have a guest to guide us in practice, Candace Krstovic (@Candacekrstovic). I am sure you will have a great session. Be sure to sign up via Eventbrite for a space. I look forward to seeing you all on September 26th, we will return to our Chakra practice.

Bio- Candace Krstovic

At 13, I moved from Rochester, New York to Atlanta in 1993 and went to high school here. I received a full academic scholarship to Georgia State University and fell in love with the city life. I was always a free spirit at heart and very much an old soul. I grew up knowing that my story was going to be complex. I moved out to Colorado and meandered throughout the United States always being called back to Atlanta for some mysterious reason. Now, I know what that was.

Service work has always been a passion of mine, even when I didn’t really understand its depth, I knew I loved to help others. I used drugs to mask the pain of an extremely traumatic childhood and adulthood and decided to get freedom from the throes of addiction in 2016. I struggled severely in the beginning running from 12-Step Meetings to yoga classes before I knew there was a program combining them. I was told by one of my teachers that I should do the 200 hour training but I did not have the resources at the time. Over the next year, I made that my goal and because it was clearly my Dharma, things aligned better for this than anything in my life. I knew I was on the right path. I told everyone in training that I was going to help people with yoga way yoga has helped me. This was in January 2019. Within a month of competing yoga training, I had a place to teach my own classes weekly, I didn’t have my Y12SR certification yet, but I had recovery, so I taught Recovery Yoga and the students came. I proceeded to get my Yin Certification and Y12SR Certification and am so fortunate to be on this journey. Never in my life has my Higher Power’s will been so evident.

It’s only because of grace from the people who kept loving me when I was a volatile mess, grace from my higher power and from the freedom I experienced with the spiritual connection I have in yoga that I am able to bring Yoga 12-Step Recovery to other people today.

What's your Dosha?

I’d love to know more about you and one way I learn is by understanding your '“mind-body” type. I know, sounds mystical but really- Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, is built around five elements. These elements come together to makeup the Dosha, and these qualities are expressed in ones being.

Here are a few links to Dosha tests. These are short quizzes that can quickly give you an idea of what your constitution could be. Once completed, send me an email, I would love to know what your results are and I will share with you mines.

Yoga International Dosha Quiz


Ayurveda Dosha

Calming Anxious Feelings

I love using essential oils throughout the day. In the mornings I diffuse a fresh citrusy oil to get me going, then change over to a woody cove or cinnamon to ground and help me focus before an intense zoom meeting. However, during this time of pandemic, I have been feeling a range of emotions that have not been easy to identify, until I described my actions to a friend:

*needing to eat- or just chew something

*patting my feet on the floor

*abrupt sighing loudly

*staying up later and working longer hours to feel accomplished

When I heard myself, I immediately knew, I was demonstrating anxiety. Although I don’t personally feel fear, or any hardships at this time from the quarantine or pandemic… I know the uncertainty of it all is uncomfortable for a planner like myself.

The shifting dates, and continued cancellations of plans along with not knowing when this will be over has caused a subtle stress on my nervous system.

Now recognizing this, I am looking more inward (and up to God) but also have decided to review some of my oils to help support this process. Take a look HERE at this article and video’s to help you with your own anxious feels.

What are Essential Oils?

During this time, while coping with COVID-19 and all being thrust into “working” or “schooling” from home, anxiety is running high. I have decided to ramp-up my self-care to help protect my immune system and sanity! In addition to my prayers, meditation and yoga, a break in the day to gently massage my hands with Essential Oils have become a highlight each day.

I have used Essential Oils daily, from diffusing, spraying on my bed at nights and rubbing on my feet during the day- they are a huge part of my self care routine. However, I did not fully know their benefits or additional ways to use. My “go-to” favorite oils have been Orange, Lemon, Rose and Lavender. I rub these on my writs or temples.

Lavender, is great for relaxing and anxiety. I have many brands of Lavender Oil, but was confused to why they all smelled slightly different. Aren’t they same? Lavender Oil should ALL smell alike, right?

WELL! I was wrong. Once I looked at the ingredients on my bottles-I found the answer.

I embarked on a journey to understand how Essential Oils are made, how to use them properly and what are their true benefits. Before I begin to unpack all of what I learned, I invite you to begin here: “What are Essential Oils” .


All the same?

Essential Oils…

COVID 19 - Free Meditations...


These are part of a larger collection in the Headspace app — free for everyone — called Weathering the storm. It includes meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to help you out, however you’re feeling. It’s our small way of helping you find some space and kindness for yourself and those around you.


Enjoy this curation of content hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time.

How's your heart?

Conducting a self check-in or evaluation can go a long way. During times of transition, especially abrupt transition, we often forget to take a BREATH and sit still to NOTICE and FEEL.

We forget to show ourselves compassion and grace. We jump right in, to adapt to the new business of DOING causing harm and subjecting our bodies, minds and souls to trauma.

This is when we need it the most. The question of “How’s your heart?”

Today, I invite you to find a quiet space. A bathroom, a closet, the laundry room- anywhere, you can be with yourself.  Bring a journal and pen. Close your eyes or hold a soft gaze down. Place your right hand on your heart, your left hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly with an audible sigh. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly with a sigh. Take a deep breath in…hold at the top… then slowly exhale with a sigh. Closing your mouth, returning to your natural breath and stillness. Notice any differences and/or release in your body. When you are ready, ask yourself this question. “HOW IS YOUR HEART?” Now, wait.

Listen to what the response(s) may be.

Use your journal or paper to release some of the thoughts, feelings and emotions this moment of stillness may have brought surface. There are no right or wrong answers. There is no judgement. Witness your emotions and write them down without any thoughts…

I see you. You are loved.


Nia Knowles

Cancelled: Community Yoga! Until Notice...

In response to the growing public health concern regarding the COVID-19 virus, Community Yoga scheduled for Saturday, March 14th and Saturday, March 21st has been cancelled.  Future classes and updates will be provided in weeks to come. 

Wild Heaven Beer & Gardens and Sawubona Yoga understand the concern for well-being and is making our community's, friend's, and family's health a priority. During this time, we advise you to use extra caution to keep our community safe and healthy.

In the meantime, we will increase our Social Media and Website wellness tips. If you would like to receive reminders for future classes and these tips- please follow us on Instagram  @Sawubona_Yoga, @Nia_Knowles,@AllisonMooreYoga  and join our mailing list on our website 

We look forward to growing and practicing with you in the near future.  Until we meet again... Namaste. 


Nia Knowles 

The FIRST Accessible Yoga Class!

I am so excited about the class my Co-Teacher, Allison Moore, taught last week. It IS the first truly accessible Yoga class EVER held at a Brewery, IN the West End of Atlanta (if not within ALL the City of Atlanta)

We will continue to bring our community great services and know that you are worth EVERY training we complete.

Allison will teach every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

See you on the Mat!


New Time for Community Yoga

Beginning December 7th- our Saturday classes are moving to 11AM. This is great news as many of you stated wanting to come, but finding it hard to make it so early. I look forward to sharing this practice with you at our new time!
