“We are spirits, having a human experience…”

My love for community and helping those underserved was the catalyst 15 years ago for the creation of a Real Estate Brokerage. This brokerage provides advocacy in gentrifying neighborhoods in Brooklyn NY, Boston MA and Atlanta, GA.  The undertaking is large, and the need is great which can quickly lead to burn out.   

During a near break down, a friend (now Mentor & Teacher) invited me to her Restorative Yoga class. I wanted to protest “I prefer the power class, the fast one.  I go to the gym every day!” 

But, I decided to take her up on the offer. 

I cried- sobbed- deeply on the mat. In the stillness, I felt the pain and pressure my heart was carrying.

I stayed on the mat and continue to come to the mat, as now I find liberation in stillness. Being introduced to this practice of Yoga was a divine answer from someone who saw my need.

Sawubona is a Zulu greeting, translated as “I see you” or “We see you..” emphasis on the importance of being seen, acknowledged and deeply known spirit to spirit.

It is my souls’ purpose to reintroduce you to yourself.  Mindfully cultivating self-awareness, self-compassion, and holding space for you to be still.

I offer these sessions in private one on one or small group sessions to allow more opportunity to deeply see and be seen.  

Images provided by Unsplash.

Main cover Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash


Nia (Knowles) George, Yoga Practitioner

Gretchen Scholfield